
Jinseo E1

__*100 Empty desire Fill need Run fast 100-1146 .
↗Empty ↘Fill ⇔Run ↗Empty desire ↘Fill need ⇔Run fast
① Empty the desire. Desire is the cause of pain. Empty the desire to do something and not to do something. ② Fill the need. Fill the need food sleep job money book house teacher friend. ③ Run fast.
__*102 Sky People Earth 102-2056 .
I meet Sky People Earth for Jinseo Creation.
↗① Up Sky Circle Abdomen Red ( ㅇ )
↘② Down People Deep Brain Blue ( ㅣ )
⇔③ Spread Earth Wide Chest Green ( ㅡ )
__*104 Samsun 104-1152 .
Samsun embraces Sky Tree Earth and Sky Water Earth.
Samsun embraces Empty Fill Run and Up Down Spread.
__*106 Sky Tree Earth 106-2198 .
↗Sky ↘Tree ⇔Earth
__*108 Circle Deep Wide 108-1034 .
Circle Deep Wide
↗Circle ↘Deep ⇔Wide
Circle (○) Deep (△) Wide (□)
Circle (ㅇ) Deep (ㅣ) Wide (ㅡ)
__*110 Art 110-1120 .
↗Red ↘Blue ⇔Green
__*112 Free Sincere Brave 112-1142 .
↗Free ↘Sincere ⇔Brave ↗Sky ↘Water ⇔Earth
↗Empty ↘Fill ⇔Run ↗Circle ↘Deep ⇔Wide
__*114 Sun Rain Wind 114-2100 .
There are days of Sun Rain Wind.
↗Sun ↘Rain ⇔Wind ↗Circle ↘Deep ⇔Wide
__*116 Sky Ocean Field 116-2140 .
↗Sky ↘Ocean ⇔Field
↗Airforce ↘Navy ⇔Army
↗Circle ↘Deep ⇔Wide
__*118 Palm Backhand Fist 118-1088 .
↗Palm ↘Backhand ⇔Fist ↗Up ↘Down ⇔Spread
__*120 Sky Water Earth 120-2054 .
↗Sky ↘Water ⇔Earth
__*122 Bird Turtle Lion 122-1118 .
↗Bird ↘Turtle ⇔Lion
↗Free ↘Sincere ⇔Brave
__*124 Future Past Now 124-1114 .
↗Future ↘Past ⇔Now
__*126 Desire Bridle Dream Way 126-2004 .
Have a dream, not desire.
Desire is Bridle. Dream is Way.
↗Desire Bridle ↘Dream Way
I empty the desire of international cook.
I have a dream of international cook.
__*128 Book House Teacher Friend 128-1028 .
↗Book ↘House ↗Teacher ↘Friend
↗Jinseo ↘Jindang ↗Jinsa ↘Jinwoo
__*130 Sit Stand Lie 130-2220 .
↗Sit ↘Stand ⇔Lie
↗Circle ↘Deep ⇔Wide
__*132 Rainbow 132-1180 .
↗Yellow Orange Red ⇔Green ↘Blue Indigo Violet
__*134 Song News English 134-1156 .
↗Song ↘News ⇔English
I hear Song News English to get an idea of English Jinseo.
__*136 Song Book Picture 136-1030 .
↗Song ↘Book ⇔Picture
↗Jinga ↘Jinseo ⇔Jinwha
__*138 I You We 138-2020 .
↗I ↘You ⇔We
↗My story 40% ↘Your story 60%
__*146 Breathe Meditate Run 146-1164 .
↗Breathe ↘Meditate ⇔Run
__*148 Wrap Cut Rock 148-2216 .
↗Wrap ↘Cut ⇔Rock
__*150 Up Down Spread 150-1210 .
↗Up ↘Down ⇔Spread
↗Palm ↘Backhand ⇔Fist ↗Red ↘Blue ⇔Green
__*200 Prayer Meditation 200-1188 .
↗Prayer ↘Meditation ↗God ↘Samsun
I pray to invisible God. It is a holy time.
I meditate visible Samsun. It is an valuable time.
Samsun is the symbol of universe everything and the will of God. Universe everything is Sky Tree Earth and Sky People Earth and Red Blue Green and Up Down Spread. The will of God is Empty Fill Run and Empty desire Fill need Run fast.
__*202 Blood line Will line 202-1084 .
↗Blood line ↘Will line
I will follow the will line, not the blood line.
I will follow the will line of God.
God will is Empty Fill Run Empty desire Fill need Run fast.
__*204 Holy Life 204-1154 .
↗Holy Life ↘Earthly Life
I am in holy life for two hours. I am in earthly life for three hours.
__*206 Mental Material 206-1068 .
↗① Mental = Empty Fill Run
↘② Material = Sky People Earth
__*208 Mind Body 208-2034 .
↗Mind ↘Body
__*210 Aseo Jinseo 210-1038 .
↗Aseo ↘Jinseo ↗Disorder ↘Order
__*212 Sky Earth Fire Water 212-1006 .
Sky Earth Fire Water Yang Eum Red Blue
↗Sky ↘Earth ↗Fire ↘Water. Sky up Earth down Fire up Water down.
↗Yang ↘Eum ↗Red ↘Blue. Yang up Eum down Red up Blue down.
↗ㅡ Yang ↘-- Eum
↗☰ Sky ↘☷ Earth ↗☲ Fire ↘☵ Water
__*214 Taegeuk Updown 214-1024 .
Korea symbol is Taegeuk. United Chosun symbol is Updown.
Taegeuk is Fire down Water up. Updown is Fire up Water down.
↗ㅡ Yang ↘-- Eum
↗☰ Sky ↘☷ Earth ↗☲ Fire ↘☵ Water
__*216 Coffee Water 216-1128 .
↗Coffee ↘Water
__*218 Thought Change 218-1026 .
Old thought is Fire down Water up. 2010.0810
New thought is Fire up Water down. 2024.0820
It takes 14 years to change old thought to new thought.
South Korea Taegeuk is Fire down Water up.
United Chosun Updown is Fire up Water down.
__*220 Seven Days 220-1096 .
↗Sun Moon Fire ↘Water Tree Gold Earth
__*222 Seven Notes 222-2018 .
↗Do Re Mi ↘Si La Sol Fa
__*224 New Truth 224-1198 .
I find a new truth through universe everything.
Old truth is Fire down Water up.
New truth is Fire up Water down Earth spread.
↗Fire ↘Water ⇔Earth ↗Up ↘Down ⇔Spread
__*226 East West South North 226-1008 .
East West South North Right Left Woman Man
↗East ↘West ↗South ↘North
↗Kind ↘Justice ↗Manner ↘Wisdom
↗Right ↘Left ↗Woman ↘Man
↗Right ↘Left ↗Emotion ↘Reason
__*228 No Yes Black White 228-1010 .
↗No ↘Yes ↗Black ↘White
↗Chaos ↘Cosmos ↗Disorder ↘Order ↗Beginner ↘Veteran
__*230 Death Life 230-2076 .
↗Death ↘Life
What is death?
I still live. I dont know the death yet.
Many people died but many people still live.
__*232 Effort two Fortune three 232-2114 .
↗Effort two ↘Fortune three
You can reap after sowing seed. Effort 40%
You can reap without sowing seed. Fortune 60%
__*234 Ja-me two Ta-other three 234-1162 .
Two hours, I live for ja-me.
Three hours, I live for ta-other.
__*236 Humble Respect 236-1070 .
↗Humble ↘Respect ↗Revaluation ↘Remember
Humble is not Surrender. Humble is Revaluation.
Respect is not Follow. Respect is Remember.
__*238 Thanks Prayer 238-1190 .
God Thank you for giving me food EFR.
I add EFR after prayer, not Amen.
EFR = Empty Fill Run. Amen = So be it.
__*240 Diary Jinseo 240-1076 .
↗Diary ↘Jinseo ↗Secret ↘Open
__*242 New two Old three 242-1016 .
↗New 40% ↘Old 60%
I create new things for two pans.
I repeat old things for three pans.
__*300 Fast Exact 300-1014 .
↗Fast 40% ↘Exact 60%
↗Attack 40% ↘Defense 60% ↗Create 40% ↘Recite 60%
__*302 Life Recipe 302-1150 .
↗Mental 40% ↘Material 60%
↗Mind 40% ↘Body 60%
__*304 Action Manual 304-1072 .
Show as your action, not your word.
What do I do?
Jinseo is the manual of my action.
__*306 Question is manner 306-1018 .
Question is manner.
__*308 Everything depends on ability 308-2166 .
Everything depends on ability. Someone makes money 20 dollars in one hour. Someone makes money 2000 dollars in one hour.
__*310 Be First 310-1054 .
Second and Last are same because Both are behind the first.
__*312 Paper Digital 312-1062 .
↗Paper 40% ↘Digital 60%
__*314 Problem Answer 314-1036 .
↗Problem ↘Answer
Say your problem. I will give you answer.
↗Hard ↘Empty desire Fill need Run fast 1146
↗Lonely ↘Book House Teacher Friend 1028
__*316 Question Answer 316-2080 .
↗Question ( ? ) ↘Answer ( !! )
↗God What do I do? ↘Empty Fill Run!!
↗Empty ↘Fill ⇔Run ↗Empty desire ↘Fill need ⇔Run fast
__*318 Choice Regret 318-1122 .
I dont choose what I will regret. I dont regret what I choosed.
1988.08 Won Buddha
1992.03 Catholic Jesus
2024.10 Jatabest Samsun God
The will of Samsun God is Empty Fill Run and Empty desire Fill need Run fast. 삼선三線 하느님의 뜻은 비움채움달림空滿走이고 무욕필품질주無慾必品疾走이다.
__*320 Now Here Best 320-1042 .
↗Now ↘Here ⇔Best
I do my best now here.
It is how to open the better door.
__*322 Small invest Big gain 322-2212 .
__*324 Money Ability 324-1192 .
I need Money Ability, not Money.
__International Cook __Korea President
__*326 Onepan Life 326-1172 .
I am an onepan life. I dont know next pan.
I do my best for onepan.
__*328 Paper List Digital Jinseo 328-1212 .
↗Paper List ↘Digital Jinseo
It is very enough of Paper List.
If I find jinseo number fast in paper list,
I can read jinseo contents exactly by clicking digital jinseo.
__*330 Buffet Jinseo 330-1216 .
Jinseo Bank is the Buffet of Valuable Answers.
__*400 Buddha Jatabest 400-2188 .
The seeing of Buddha Gautama is ( Empty desire ).
The seeing of Jatabest Sungtae Oh is ( Empty desire Fill need Run fast ).
Pain comes from desire. Empty desire. It is how to be free.
Empty desire. Fill need. Run fast. It is three ways to be free.
↗Empty desire ↘Fill need ⇔Run fast
__*402 Noun Verb Hangul English 402-2060 .
↗Noun ↘Verb
↗Hangul ↘English
Hangul thinks Noun at first and thinks Verb later.
English thinks Verb at first and thinks Noun later.
__*404 English Teacher 404-1160 .
I try to find English Teacher who speaks English well.
↗Song AFN ↘News BBC ⇔English Jinseo
__*406 Empty all Fill again 406-1206 .
↗Empty all ↘Fill again.
↗English ↘Hangul ⇔Hanmun
English is necessary for me to know fast and exact information.
2001.12 English Law → 2024.10 English Cook
2001.12 International Lawyer → 2024.10 International Cook
__*408 English Hangul Hanmun 408-1060 .
↗English ↘Hangul ⇔Hanmun
English is necessary for me to know fast and exact information.
2001.12 English Law → 2024.10 English Cook
2001.12 International Lawyer → 2024.10 International Cook
__*410 Won Jatabest 410-2192 .
__Won symbol is Circle ( ○ ). Jatabest symbol is Samsun ( 三 ).
__*412 God Name 412-1220 .
Dangun prays to Hwanin God.
Jesus prays to Yahweh God.
Jatabest prays to Samsun God.
Samsun is the symbol of universe everything and the will of God. Universe everything is Sky Tree Earth and Sky People Earth and Red Blue Green and Up Down Spread. The will of God is Empty Fill Run and Empty desire Fill need Run fast.
__*414 Pray 414-1222 .
Pray. Pray to Samsun God.
Samsun is the symbol of universe everything and the will of God. Universe everything is Sky Tree Earth and Sky People Earth and Red Blue Green and Up Down Spread. The will of God is Empty Fill Run and Empty desire Fill need Run fast.
__*500 Life Joy 500-1116 .
1997.07 Law Consulting
2024.10 Food Cooking
__*502 Ready Future 502-1144 .
__*504 Exam Practice 504-1168 .
↗Exam ↘Practice
__*506 Prayer Meditation Cook 506-1218 .
I pray to God.
I meditate Samsun.
I am to be an international cook.
↗Prayer ↘Meditation ⇔Cook
__*508 Climb Calmly 508-2200 .
__*510 International Cook 510-1182 .
2001.12 My dream is international lawyer.
2024.10 My dream is international cook.
↗Fire ↘Water ⇔Cooking
__*512 Cook Friend 512-1184 .
2024.10 I need Cook Friend to be an international cook.
__*514 Main job Sub job Leisure life 514-1214 .
↗Main job ↘Sub job ⇔Leisure life
Main job is the leisure life of sub job.
Sub job is the leisure life of main job.
My leisure life is money-in life, not money-out life.
↗English Writer ↘International Cook
↗English Creation ↘English Repeat
↗Cook Creation ↘Cook Repeat
__*600 My History 600-1040 .
Korea Bar Exam 7 years
English Book Publication 12 years
Food Material Delivery 18 months
Food Cooking 4 months
__*602 Jinsa Cook 602-2222 .
↗Jinsa 40% ↘Cook 60%
Jinsa is my sub job.
Cook is my main job.
__*604 Education Food 604-1158 .
↗Education ↘Food ↗Mental ↘Material
↗Mental happiness starts from Education.
↘Material happiness starts from Food.
__*606 Jatabest 606-1020 .
2023.0505 I am to be Jatabest.
Jatabest is the best for ja-me and ta-you.
Jatabest is the best for ja-me and ta-other.
↗ja-me ↘ta-other ⇔best
What is the best for ja-me and ta-you?
Empty desire Fill need Run fast is the best for ja-me and ta-you.
↗Empty desire ↘Fill need ⇔Run fast
__*608 Jatabest Flag 608-1022 .
Jatabest flag is Samsun.
Go forward stately with one flag. One flag has everything of universe. My all words are hidden in one flag. Human all words are hidden in one flag.
__*700 Korea Mental History 700-2036 .
__*704 Samjockoh Samsun 704-1166 .
Three Legs Crow is the symbol of Goguryeo.
Samsun is the symbol of United Chosun.
__*706 Goguryeo Silla Baekje 706-1066 .
↗Goguryeo ↘Silla ⇔Baekje
__*708 United Chosun 708-1174 .
Dangun Chosun
United Chosun
↗Sky ↘People ⇔Earth. Respect Sky People Earth.
__*710 Samsun Epitaph 710-1202 .
Samsun is the symbol of universe everything and the will of God. Universe everything is Sky Tree Earth and Sky People Earth and Red Blue Green and Up Down Spread. The will of God is Empty Fill Run and Empty desire Fill need Run fast. Old truth is Taegeuk and Fire down Water up. New truth is Updown and Fire up Water down. Fast is two and Exact is three. Effort is two and Fortune is three. I am two and Other is three. Samsun Empty Fill Run Samsun Empty Fill Run. ( 2024.1014M written by Sungtae Oh )
__*712 Dont Cry Argentina (Madonna) 712-2118 .
. Dont Cry for me Argentina (Madonna). It wont be easy, you'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love after all that I've done You wont believe me All you will see is a girl you once knew Although she's dressed up to the nines At sixes and sevens with you I had to let it happen, I had to change Couldnt stay all my life down at heel Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around, trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it to Dont cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Dont keep your distance And as for fortune, and as for fame I never invited them in Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusions They are not the solutions they promised to be The answer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Dont cry for me Argentina Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is look at me to know That every word is true


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